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Home Survey

Home Survey

As a prospective property purchaser, it is important to appoint a RICS qualified building surveyor to carry out the right survey of the property. This will help highlight serious problems and advise you of the specific risks before you commit to the process of buying a property.

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is the industry’s most respected authority on surveying and they have three different levels of surveys. At Land Commercial Chartered Surveyors, our surveyors have the skill, knowledge and experience to conduct all these surveys and provide you with the necessary advice concerning the property.

All RICS Home Surveys include a visual (non invasive)  inspection of the property, where safely accessible,  and a report based on our findings at the time of the inspection.

RICS Level 1 Home Survey

Although this survey type is less compressive than the RICS Home Survey – Level 2 and RICS Home Survey – Level 3, it provides clear ‘traffic light’ ratings of the condition of different elements of the building, services and the grounds, highlighting issues that may require varying degrees of attention. No tests of services are undertaken, and the report does not include advice on repairs or ongoing maintenance. This survey is recommended for modern properties likely to have very minor defects.


RICS Level 2 Home Survey – (Survey only)

The RICS Level 2 Home Survey is suitable if you require more extensive information on your prospective property purchase built of common building materials are in generally in reasonable condition. Compared to the RICS Level 1 Home Survey, this intermediate level of survey comprises a visual inspection of the building, grounds and services focusing on the condition of the main elements of the property. The survey is a more extensive review of the building elements and objectively provides an assessment of the importance of the defects.
RICS Level 2 Home Survey – (Survey and valuation)
We can also provide you with the RICS Level 2 Home Survey as above, but includes:
• the surveyor’s professional opinion on the market valuation pf the property
• an insurance reinstatement figure for the property
• a list of problems that the surveyor considers may affect the value of the property.


RICS Level 3 Home Survey

The RICS Level 3 Home Survey is the most compressive survey available and is most suitable for larger properties; older properties; or a property which has significant visual defects. The report provides detailed information about the structure and fabric of the property. The detailed visual inspection involves the opening of concealed area is safe to do so such as of roof spaces and basements. Furthermore, although the services are not tested, they are observed in normal operation – in other words, they are switched on or off or operated where the occupier has given permission if it is safe to do so. Importantly, the report also identifies the risk of potential or hidden defects in areas not inspected. The survey may also be able to provide an estimate of costs identified repairs if agreed with you in advance.

Service Features Home Survey Level 1 Home Survey Level 2 – (Survey Only) Home Survey Level 2  – (Survey and Valuation) Home Survey Level 3
Describes the construction and condition of the property on the date of the inspection.   ✔️   ✔️      ✔️  ✔️
Aims to tell you about problems that need urgent attention or are serious and that may be dangerous.   ✔️   ✔️      ✔️  ✔️
Aims to show up potential issues and defects, before any transaction takes place.   ✔️      ✔️  ✔️

Aims to identify things that

need to be investigated further

to prevent serious damage.

  ✔️     ✔️  ✔️
Aims to help you decide whether you need extra advice before committing to purchase.   ✔️     ✔️  ✔️
Aims to advise you on the amount of ongoing maintenance required in the future.   ✔️     ✔️  ✔️
Provides a reinstatement cost to help you avoid under or over-insurance and provides a market valuation.     ✔️
Aims to describe visible defects, plus exposing potential problems posed by hidden defects.  ✔️
Where practical and agreed, provides an estimate of costs for identified repairs.  ✔️




We are chartered surveyors and valuers as well as commercial estate agents.

To schedule your survey, get a quotation or for general advice about Homebuyers surveys and reports, contact our team of RICS Chartered Surveyors today!

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